Our Purpose To glorify the God of the Scriptures in promoting His worship, evangelizing sinners, and edifying saints. To this end we are committed to proclaiming God's perfect Law and His glorious Gospel of Grace in Jesus Christ throughout the world, and to defending "the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints." (Jude 3)
Latest 150-Word "Thought of the Day"
Exodus 20:1
And God spoke all these words:
God brought all of creation into being by speaking. He sustains all things by the word of His power. He has ordained that it will be through the medium of words that He will reveal Himself to man. His wisdom and power can be seen by all in the physical realm, but understanding His wisdom and describing His power depends upon words. Angels in heaven have words with which to worship God. Man alone among the creatures of the earth is granted this means whereby he may experience God. God speaks that we may know Him and ourselves. Help us, Lord, to receive and understand the words You speak to us. We want to know You and worship You and live for You. We long for the wonderful words of life. May Your Word speak to our hearts through Your Son, Jesus.